Chances are that if you're reading this blog, you are a woman! Yes, you are the majority! The suffering, majority! Women are the majority of the population, yet, we have lower earning potential than men, and we have more chronic diseases. A comparison of 201-2019 records, shows that life expectancy has gone up faster for men, than for women! Surprised? Keep reading!
My name is Dr Purity Carr, GP and Menopause Doctor. I run The Dr Purity Carr Menopause Clinic, I would like to extend a personal invitation to YOU! THIS EVENT WILL BE THE BIRTH OF SOMETHING SPECTACULAR! Experience a phenomenal evening with me, talking about PERI MENOPAUSE & MENOPAUSE, WHAT NEXT! SAVE THE DATE, Thursday, JUNE 1, 6 pm-9 pm, Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club. Get your $15 ticket through EVENTBRITE! Tickets are going fast and we have limited capacity.
Are you on HRT and feeling fantastic? Are you wondering if you’re too old to benefit from HRT? Are you confused by all the conflicting information on the safety of HRT? COME! Come share your experience, come and experience the truth for yourself! The naked truth! This Menopause movement is BIGGER than any political party, status, class, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religion! Think about all the big movements in history! They changed the world because people joined together; for a cause much larger than any one of them individually. Menopause is the last taboo, the last stronghold! Everyone loves the comeback kid metaphor! The underdog wins the day! Guess what? We are the underdog! But, a majority underdog! You just can’t beat that!
Are you experiencing perimenopause or menopause symptoms? Are you confused by mixed information about HRT? Come learn about the latest updates on HRT safety, and effectiveness and see for yourself the different types of safe, TGA-approved body identical HRT. I’ve heard clever menopause specialists and professors describe body-identical HRT as a magic bullet! Nothing works better for menopause symptoms than HRT! I’ll address queries like: Is HRT safe? Are you too old to start HRT? What is Body identical HRT? What’s the difference between bio-identical and body-identical HRT? What about vaginal oestrogen? Did you say, I can take HRT forever? Is it true that oestrogen doesn’t cause breast cancer? I’m on tablet HRT, can I switch to a newer, safer HRT? What about sleep, is it true that body-identical progesterone helps with sleep? Is it true that women on HRT can expect to live healthier happier lives without having an increase in the risk of heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, dementia and osteoarthritis?
This is a chance to start a movement to end the MENOPAUSE TABOO! Think about this, 100% of women who live long enough experience menopause symptoms and the health consequences of lack of oestrogen. We are the majority, there are 12.84 million males and 12.94 million females in Australia. 100,000 more women than men. When we get down to the compounding cost of health care, the sums add up fast! The 100,000 difference is significant! Besides we live on average 5yrs longer than men! It makes economic sense for the government to get interested in the improvement of our health, we want to live longer without costing the taxpayer (our children and grandchildren) more! Poor health costs women BIG! Approximately 2 million women in Australia have recently undergone menopause and another 80,000 women move into the perimenopause each year. The financial impact of being misdiagnosed or having untreated symptoms is profound. We lose out on benefiting from our peak earning capacity. The employer loses out on our accumulated vast experience, talent and skills. 45% of women under 55 years are retiring early due to sickness, injury or disability. This cost in superannuation and cumulative wage. What more? Women in perimenopause and menopause (44 to 55 years) are X2 as likely to have a mental health claim-related insurance claim when compared to men in a similar age bracket.
So, it's clear that because of menopause, we lose valuable earning potential, retire with meagre savings and pension and live in constant fear that we may outlive our savings. We make unnecessary trips to doctors and specialists, and we end up having preventable operations for osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, heart bypass surgery, weight loss surgery etc. Menopause knocks our confidence and disrupts our relationships. I’ve met women who were high-functioning executives, Nurses, and teachers, who have given up their careers due to joint pain, brain fog, poor memory, lack of confidence, depression, anxiety, and so on! It’s sad, very sad! It costs the economy BIG, very BIG! Think of the absent experienced labour force due to early retirement, due to ill health like fibromyalgia, medical care cost for preventable disease, I could go on and on!
THINK WITH ME! What if we had access to menopause support in our workplaces? What if there was something like menopause sick leave? Menopause sick leave would look like this. You’ve had no sleep, every bone in you is aching, and you feel like you’re losing your mind. You feel like someone has put a pillowcase over your head and you just want to scream, “I can’t see, I can’t breathe, get this thing off my head!” So you phone work and say, hey, I’ve got menopause symptoms I need to see a doctor today! Done! You see your doctor, you get your hormones balanced and you get this pillow case off your head! You go back to your happy, cheerful, buzz-of-energy ball that you used to be. Your productivity at work increases, your employer is happy, you’re happy, and even your cat is happy! Everyone is happy!
So, Come engage with our politicians Robyn Clarke MLA @ Lisa Munday MLA @ and Hon David Templeman. Together we will get this menopause movement moving on!
*Disclaimer, I have no particular political affiliation, I work with and vote for the party with the right policies and politicians willing to push hard to bring the changes that women need!
Let’s get the menopause movement started in WA!
……………..SEE YOU THERE!………………
@Samy Medical Practice Rockingham
@Soroptimist International of Mandurah
@Mandurah Bowling Club
@Dr Purity Carr Menopause clinic
Never a truer word was spoken! Purity, the 'Menopause Movement' is loooong overdue, but better late than never! I''ll be there, for sure! Keep up your AMAZING work!😀