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Lessons Learned from the 19th World Menopause Congress: Why We Need More Awareness!

I recently attended the 19th World Menopause Congress in Melbourne, and it was incredible to see so many women and clinicians from all over the world come together to discuss menopause.

However, one thing that saddened me was the apparent lack of public awareness about such an important event. As someone passionate about menopause, I made sure to talk about it with everyone I met—whether it was the janitor, receptionist, shop attendant, waitress, or even the car hire agent. I was genuinely surprised by the lack of knowledge surrounding menopause. One young man, in his 30s, even asked me if menopause was when we help women start having children again! After I listed the common symptoms, he quickly realized, "Ha, my mum has all that! She needs to hear this!" It was a clear reminder of how much more awareness and education is needed on this vital topic.

I also wish the organizers had done more to raise awareness—perhaps a "Menopause Matters" public walk, more presence in the media, or at least wearing menopause awareness T-shirts. The content of the lectures was fascinating—full of promising research, exciting advancements, and some cautionary tales. I’m determined to share this knowledge with you, and to do that, I’ll be creating several long videos with slideshows, so keep an eye out for uploads on my YouTube channel, **#drpuritycarr**.

Right now, the women who benefit from this kind of information are those actively seeking help. But what about the woman who doesn’t understand why she’s crying all the time, why she can’t sleep, or why she feels anxious, sad, and depressed? What about those experiencing palpitations, headaches resistant to treatment, dizziness, weight gain, tiredness, brain fog, or even itching? These are the women who need more awareness and access to knowledge about menopause.

It's crucial we reach them, and I’m excited to bring this vital information to you. Stay tuned!

By Dr Purity Carr

GP & Menopause Doctor

Harvey, 6220, WA

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