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A Season of Love: Lessons from Observing Jen and Michael

I have recently found myself in a season of love, a time where everything feels more vibrant and full of possibility.

It’s a period where vulnerability and connection blossom, inviting a sense of joy and growth. This phase has not only filled me with excitement but also a deeper understanding of the importance of love being intentional—where each act, big or small, reflects the care and commitment two people have for each other.

In this season of love, I have come to realise that building a deep, meaningful relationship requires more than just feelings—it involves deliberate actions. Watching the enduring love between my dear friends, Jen and Michael, who have been married for 38 years, has offered me profound insights into what makes a relationship not only last but thrive. Their connection is one of depth, warmth, and mutual respect, and from observing them, I have learned some timeless lessons about love.

Lessons from Jen and Michael’s 38-Year Love Story

  • They are truly each other's best friend: Jen and Michael are inseparable, always eager to spend time together. They rush home just to be with one another and often call during the day to share how much they miss each other. This genuine friendship is the heart of their bond, creating a foundation of joy and mutual understanding.

  • Prioritise Each Other’s Needs: Jen and Michael are always attuned to each other’s emotional and physical well-being. Whether it’s helping out when one is overwhelmed or simply being present, they constantly make small sacrifices for each other. This prioritisation has clearly built a foundation of trust and peace in their relationship.

  • Communicate with Intentionality: A key element I’ve observed in their relationship is how they listen deeply and respond thoughtfully. Their conversations are filled with genuine care and attentiveness, showing how intentional communication strengthens their bond over time.

  • Surprise Each Other with Thoughtful Gestures: One thing that stands out about Jen and Michael is how they’re always trying to surprise each other with something special. Whether it’s a thoughtful gift, a surprise trip, an unexpected birthday present, or a spontaneous meal out, they continually find ways to make each other feel cherished. Michael even surprises Jen by dropping by home unexpectedly, just to spend more time with her when she doesn’t expect him to be home.

  • Celebrate Each Other’s Successes: Jen and Michael are each other’s biggest cheerleaders. They celebrate every achievement, no matter how big or small. Their unwavering support for one another creates a space where they can thrive together.

  • Build Lasting Memories Together: Jen and Michael continually find ways to create lasting memories, whether it’s through exploring new hobbies or spending quiet moments together. Their shared experiences seem to renew and deepen their relationship, adding to the richness of their love.

  • Trust and Dependability: I’ve witnessed how trust serves as the foundation of their relationship. They are honest, dependable, and always supportive, which creates a space of safety and comfort between them. They never let each other down.

  • Mutual Understanding and Adoration: Jen and Michael have a beautiful blend of mutual honour and deep adoration for each other. They never seem to tire of being together. Their understanding of each other’s needs is effortless, and they consistently put each other at the forefront of their lives.

  • Embracing Each Other's Quirks: What I’ve noticed is that they embrace each other’s quirks with a smile, never trying to change the other. They give each other space to grow at their own pace, fostering an atmosphere of acceptance and personal growth within their relationship.

  • Making Decisions Together: Jen and Michael make all important decisions together, and if one isn’t ready to make a choice, they patiently wait for the other. This patience and understanding of each other’s readiness show a deep level of respect and mutual trust in their partnership.

I have yet to see Jen and Michael fall out and they always keep each other at the forefront of their minds. They understand each other’s needs so well that their relationship feels effortless, but it’s clear that their love is built on years of intentionality and care. These lessons from Jen and Michael’s enduring relationship have shown me that love is not just about grand gestures. Real love, I’ve learned, is about the daily actions of care and devotion that sustain a relationship and help it flourish.

We all have about 2 billion heartbeats in our lives. How we spend them depends on our choices, but with every heartbeat, we are using up our finite supply. Jen and Michael have shown me the value of investing those heartbeats in love. It’s a reminder that how we choose to spend our time and energy shapes our lives—and there’s no better investment than love.

Watching Jen and Michael has reinforced that outdoing each other in love is not about competition—it’s about uplifting each other constantly and maintaining a relationship filled with warmth, respect, and affection. Their relationship stands as a testament to love that is intentional, selfless, and endlessly rewarding.

As I continue to embrace this season of love in my own life, these lessons have profoundly impacted how I view relationships. Love, I’ve come to realise, is not passive; it is something we choose, nurture, and cultivate every single day.

Invest in love! Here’s to love that grows deeper and richer with each passing day.

By yours truly

Dr Purity

GP & Menopause Doctor

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